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300 S. Thomas St., Caldwell TX 77836

Nadine McManus, Administrative Assistant

Nadine has been a member of First Baptist Church, Caldwell, since 1975, until 2012, when she and her husband, Norris, were part of the core group from First Baptist who responded to the mission opportunity to help organize and begin Burleson County Cowboy Church, which First Baptist sponsored.  (She says it was like going on a mission trip without leaving home!)

Nadine is “Mom” to Sarah and Brady, “McMom” to Sarah’s husband, Dave, and Brady’s wife, Melissa, and “Deeni” to grandchildren Grant, Emilee, Reese, and Jack.

Serving First Baptist as secretary since 1983, Nadine enjoys and counts it an honor and privilege to share and co-labor with First Baptist members in the ministries of the church.

One of many of Nadine’s favorite Bible scriptures is Lamentations 3:22-23: “The Lord’s lovingkindness indeed never ceases, for His compassions never fail.  His mercies are new every morning, Great is Thy faithfulness!”