300 S. Thomas St., Caldwell TX 77836

4:12 Student Ministry

Who We Are

The teen life is filled with new decisions, new obstacles, and new possibilities. The 4:12 Student Ministry is designed with the purpose of aiding the home and producing students that are devoted to Christ.  Our weekly Bible Studies and Wednesday Night services are tailored to equip and encourage each student for what lies ahead.  We are committed to providing an atmosphere to honor the Lord, give teens a chance to connect with other teens, and grow in their relationship with God.  We strive for each student to be trained and taught the Word of God so that they may apply the Truth of God’s wisdom in their everyday life. We invite all 7th-12th grade students to be a part of our student services and activities!

Our Philosophy

Bold Prayer

Ephesians 2:10; Philippians 1:6; Hebrews 4:6

Knowing that we are God’s masterpiece and He is the one that has set out the good works in advance for us and that he is the one faithful to complete the good work that He started in us, it is essential to recognize the one who is sanctifying and thus pray boldly for Him to work in the lives of His children.

Relevant Teaching

2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Timothy 2:15, Acts 17:11

As Christ has called us to righteous living, he left his Word as instruction and example. Essential to pursuing living in our new nature, comes careful and correct handling of scripture. The hope for students would be that they not only receive the teaching with great eagerness but also learn to always refer first and foremost to scripture for its reliability and truth.

Intentional Relationships

Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Corinthians 11:1

Christ chose to spend his time on earth multiplying himself in his disciples and calls us to do the same. Paul gives great insight into this process calling his disciples to follow him in all the ways that he follows Christ. Holding to this model students would get the opportunity to live out their faith, not alone but with others, sharing their lives with them and casting an example to follow.


Romans 10:9-10; Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15

It is truly a beautiful picture that not only through Christ we find redemption, but He also allows us to participate in his Kingdom expansion by carrying that good news to others. From the local to the ends of the earth, that good news is to be proclaimed to all creation. The prayer for students is that they hear the gospel continually in their lives which leads them into action sharing it outward.

Student Pastor Zachary Minix

Have a Question? Feel free to reach out!
